Beautiful Chanukah Story

Here's a little refresher on Chanukah mitzvahs. Menorah's should be candle or better yet olive oil. All of the candles should be in a straight line (not wavy or different heights- besides for the shamash). Best time to light is after sundown (doesn't have to be totally dark), on each night of Chanukah (besides for Friday that we light before sundown, and Sat night after it's totally dark). Menorah should be next to a door or window. Let's bring more light to a world that needs it so! Earlier this week, Morah Tiferes shared a beautiful story on Facebook. Even though I already had written a beautiful story that happened to me and a friend of mine, I'll save that for another week, because this is too good to let pass. A young man named Avrumel Greenbaum lost his entire family in the Holocaust. After the war, he came to America and wanted nothing to do with Judaism. He was no longer Avrumel Greenbaum; now he was Aaron Green. He moved to...