How Important is the Torah?

Someone asked me a good question: What is the big deal about the Torah? There are many other Jewish books, including the prophets, that seem to be more profound than the 5 books of Moses. Here was my answer: Any book that needs "human reviews" to be considered profound wasn't written by a G-d worth believing in. It's tempting to want G-d to be what "I" think is good and important, but that's projecting "me" on G-d. As Mark Twain wrote: "G-d created man in His image, and man has been repaying the favor ever since". G-d's book is profound on His terms, and if I believe in a G-d totally beyond this world (the only G-d worth believing in), I'll make it my mission in life to continue searching for meaning in it. If His book seems to me, to lack profoundness, I know the problem is me, and I've gotta figure out how I can change myself to find meaning in it.