
I’ll never look at a minyan the same way again. For all these years I had it wrong. It’s not about religion! On Sunday, I received a call from a nice young orthodox man who asked if we have a daily minyan in Temecula. Jews pray three times a day, and it should be done in synagogue with a minyan (quorum). I tried to explain to him that Temecula is not so religious and we don’t have a daily minyan. He was having a hard time wrapping his head around it. “So what do you do yourself for prayers?” He asked. I told him that while in a place without a minyan, I’m exempt, but that I’m very particular to pray with a minyan when I’m in a city with one (this is based on the Jewish code of law). “But I’m saying kaddish for my father!” He exclaimed. Something about his determination touched my heart, and I told him that I’d try to pull a minyan together, but that my experience is that more than one weekday minyan gets to be too much very quickly in this town. Sure enough, we had a minyan three times...