Tragedy in Israel

Israel just experienced it’s largest peacetime tragedy. Forty five people died in a crush at Meron, the burial place of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar (kabbalah). Apparently, there was a huge jam of thousands of people on their way out of a celebration, around a narrow corner at the top of a staircase. I’ve experienced this kind of crowd, and there is immense pressure. This was not a stampede of primitive animals, or crazy fanatics, as they are portrayed by some articles out there. At some point, it seems that police tried blocking off an exit, exacerbating the pressure, and when they finally released the barricade, hundreds of people tumbled down the staircase, crushing those at the bottom. Exactly how it happened or why the police blocked off the exit is not relevant for this moment and now is not the time to assign blame. An investigation will hopefully bring out the truth, and I’m sure new protocols will be implemented to ensure this doesn’t happen again. There’s anot...