Why is There a Law That Requires Us to Help Others on Passover?

Ever since we all left Egypt together, Passover has always been a time to take care of each other - especially those who are less fortunate than we are. It’s more than just a good thing to do, more than a custom - it is a law, recounted in The Talmud over 1,700 years ago. But why specifically Passover? And how did this custom start? As the Jews were about to leave Egypt and a brand new nation embarked on a journey of exploration, discovery, and commitment - they made a pact. “We will always do acts of kindness for each other.” The Midrash explains that this act - this selfless and generous agreement - that the Jewish people did by themselves, was the final act that helped them merit the miracles of redemption at that time. No one asked them to make the pact. It was not a commandant or instruction. They chose to do it by themselves, recognizing that strength and growth as a people come from unity and care of each other. It brought them together as one people - a p...