
Showing posts from March, 2022

Why is There a Law That Requires Us to Help Others on Passover?

Ever since we all left Egypt together,  Passover has always been a time to take care of each other -  especially those who are less fortunate than we are. It’s more than just a good thing to do, more than a custom - it is a law, recounted in The Talmud over 1,700 years ago.  But why specifically Passover? And how did this custom start? As the Jews were about to leave Egypt and a brand new nation embarked on a journey of exploration, discovery, and commitment - they made a pact. “We will always do acts of kindness for each other.” The Midrash explains that this act - this selfless and generous agreement - that the Jewish people did by themselves, was the final act that helped them merit the miracles of redemption at that time. No one asked them to make the pact. It was not a commandant or instruction. They chose to do it by themselves, recognizing that strength and growth as a people come from unity and care of each other.  It brought them together as one people - a people who always lo

Purim & Community

Over the next week, 50 volunteers will be delivering Purim Joy to 350 families. Which reminds me of something new I learned. While preparing the letter to accompany the Purim baskets, I reviewed “general letters” the Rebbe sent out before Purim. I noticed something that should have been obvious, but for some reason, I never really “got” before. Purim is the holiday of “community”. Of course, community is important for all holidays, Shabbos, and even throughout the week. But Purim is more about community than any other time. You might even say it’s the theme of the holiday. It runs through the story. As well as the customs and mitzvahs. You can read the letter  here , or keep an eye out for it in the next few days… May the blessing of strong community happen to us.

What Got Into Putin?

What got into Putin? Some people are saying that he’s gone mad. Others say he’s just in the next phase of his plan from decades ago. I always thought he was the ultimate pragmatist. Maybe he still is. But his tactics have definitely changed drastically. There are two kinds of wars. Putin used to engage in type A wars. I think this one is a type B war. So, what are these two kinds of war? “Type A” is a war of cost-benefit analysis. A neighboring country has resources that the king wants. So the king “runs the calcs” to see how much the war will cost and how much the prize of resources is worth. If the numbers make sense, he goes for it. If not, he leaves it for another time. “Type B” war gets to the essence of the king. The king has his way of life. His principles. And he wants other countries and peoples to accept his system. And operate how he wants them to. If the neighbors don’t accept it, he goes to war. This “type B” war gets to the essence of the king. So he’ll give anything to w

What Got Into Putin?

  Putin, what got into him? Some people are saying that he’s gone mad. Others say he’s just in the next phase of his plan from decades ago. I always thought he was the ultimate pragmatist. Maybe he still is. But his tactics have definitely changed drastically. There are two kinds of wars. Putin used to engage in type A wars. I think this one is a type B war. So, what are these two kinds of war? “Type A” is a war of cost-benefit analysis. A neighboring country has resources that the king wants. So the king “runs the calcs” to see how much the war will cost and how much the prize of resources is worth. If the numbers make sense, he goes for it. If not, he leaves it for another time. “Type B” war gets to the essence of the king. The king has his way of life. His principles. And he wants other countries and peoples to accept his system. And operate how he wants them to. If the neighbors don’t accept it, he goes to war. This “type B” war gets to the essence of the king. So he’ll give anythi