I’ll be totally open with you. It’s been a struggle to stay focused, productive and do what I know needs to be done more than ever. Israel needs our spiritual ammunition, and Temecula needs our outreach, but paralysis is plaguing me. Every year we read in the Passover Hagaddah, “In every generation, [our enemies] stand up to annihilate us, and G-d saves us from their hands.” What’s happened this past week has been scary. If it’s not enough that we’re mourning our butchered brothers and sisters, worried about our hostages, thinking about my sister Rivkah, this week added insult to injury. The bias in the news has been scary. The overwhelming public support AGAINST the Jewish people has been harrowing. “But G-d saves us from their hands”. And this will happen again, just like it has for the past 4,000 years. History has proven that despite the sinister efforts of mighty nations, they are gone and we stand strong. The Torah is a “tree of life” to ...