Preparing for Passover

How do you prepare for Passover?

Let me ask it a different way:

How do you prepare for your wife’s, or husbands, or mothers birthday?

They say that “whatever you put in is what you take out.”

There are many ways to prepare for a birthday. You can buy a present. Invite friends to a party. Write a card.

Or you could just say “happy birthday” and think of something kind on the day of the birthday. However, the more time you spend preparing ahead of time, the more special the day will be for you and your loved one.

The same is with Passover. In a major way.

  • We clean chometz from our homes (basically anything with flour or grain besides for matzah).

  • We plan delicious meals, stock up on matzah, wine, meat, fruit and vegetables (our custom is to not eat anything processed on Passover).

  • We teach our children to ask the four questions and as much as they can handle about the story of Passover and the seder.

  • We spend time ourselves learning the Hagaddah (Passover Seder book) and other Jewish books about Passover.

  • Prepare discussions to have at the seder.

  • Try not to stress out.

The more you put into Passover ahead of time, the more meaningful it will be for you.

Of course, if for whatever reason you forgot to plan ahead, don’t skip the happy birthday call.

If you didn’t prepare for Passover, don’t let that stop you from joining a seder, or at least eating some matzah on the first night.

I think you get the point.

Here are some simple actionable things you can do to prepare for Passover:

  1. Learn more about Passover on

  2. Make sure you and your friends have round, hand baked shmurah matzah for Passover night (if you’re on our holiday gift list, you’ll be getting some)

  3. Buy some Passover foods at

  4. Sell your chometz at

  5. Sign up for the Chabad seder

  6. Volunteer to deliver matzah to your neighbors

  7. Donate to help reach every Temecula Jew with some Passover love.


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