Walt Disney & the Rebbe
Stopped by my uncles office yesterday. Had a good schmooze. Showed him the building presentation. It reminded him of Disney. So he told me a story. Walt Disney (who was a virulent anti-Semite) purchased 100 acres in the 1950’s to build Disneyland. He didn’t have the buying power. But he had a vision. So he reluctantly took on partners to make it happen. Got enough “no’s” in the process to make anyone depressed. But in 1955, he opened Disneyland. But from the get go, he wasn’t satisfied with it. His vision was much bigger. His next move was to purchase 42 square MILES in Florida to become Disney World. And Disney World opened its doors in 1971. But Walt Disney died before Disney World was finished. In an interview with his brother, a reporter remarked, “It’s so sad that your brother, Walt, never lived to see the finished product.” To which he replied, “You don’t understand. The reason why this was built is because Walt saw the finished product 20 years ago!” Vision is a big deal. I have...