Giraffe Video

Natanya is in NY at the Kinus Hashluchos (Rebbetzin convention) with the girls.

So I’m with the boys.

And we’re getting into trouble together.

Yesterday, I took them to the zoo.

And it was only $8 to feed the giraffes.

So we did it.

And got memories and video we’ll have forever. You can watch here.

As we were talking to the zookeepers, they told us a bunch of interesting giraffe facts.

So I thought I’d tell them an interesting giraffe fact.

“Did you know that giraffes are kosher?”

Their eyebrows raised and looked at me with shock, like I was some psychopath giraffe poacher.

So I quickly clarified.

“I have no desire to eat giraffes, and usually we think of kosher as things that we’re allowed to eat, but animals that have split hooves and chew their cud are ‘pure’ animals.”

It is kind of interesting. Torah uses the word “pure” to describe kosher animals.

I don’t know what spiritual qualities make these animals kosher.

But looking into eyes of that giraffe, I could see purity.

Even if I can’t explain it.

Purity was always important, but in a world of YouTubes, bitter politics & shmutztubes, we need purity now more than ever.

Having pure children is beautiful. Beautiful on the inside and on the outside.

You know what I mean.

Being pure ourselves is beautiful.

Life is so much more meaningful.

This is the reason for the Jewish custom (heavily promoted by the Rebbe) to surround ourselves with pure animals.

Of course we go to the zoo and see lions and tigers and bears.

But the animals we keep in our homes, the animals we eat and put in our bodies, and even images of animals on our children’s clothing or in picture books, should be kosher (pure).

And this is one big way we can bring more purity into our lives.

No, it’s not against the Torah to have a dog.

And I love dogs.

But now you know why we don’t have one (another reason is because six children keep us busy enough!)

May G-d bless us to be pure and beautiful with pure and beautiful children!


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