School Boards

Lately, there has been a lot of news and debate about school boards and parents.

It really boils down to what the job of school is.

Should curriculums be limited to reading, writing and ‘rithmetic or should morals and values also be imbued?

For a very long time, it’s been limited to information.

Morals and values often come from religion, which opens the church and state can of worms.

So they’ve kept education vanilla.

It hasn’t worked out so well.

People know how to read and write, but know nothing about life. They are confused, depressed and without direction.

Lately, school boards have become a bit more bold, and are inching their way into the field morals and values.

Parents don’t agree with many of the values being imbued.

So they want to change things back, and the kids will only learn the three R’s.

That would be a shame, because, like many progressive ideas, I totally agree.

Education has to be more than information. It has to be about direction and purpose.

Isn’t purpose more important than a college diploma?

The question is, which morals and values should be taught.

Of course, my vote is Torah values. There’s a lot of overlap, but there are also some striking differences from both the liberal and conservative values du jour.

Even a public school curriculum for gentiles can teach these values.

Curricula could teach simple things like kindness, giving and gratitude, which shouldn’t be as controversial as some of the things being taught today.

And there are many more.

This could revolutionize education.

And make the world happier, healthier & wealthier.

I challenge you to learn more about Torah values from authentic sources.

And give your children a real Jewish education.

You might find these values surprisingly relevant.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Abrams


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