I Am Jealous Of The Jews...

In our past 7 years (yes, Rosh Hashanah will be seven years!) I’ve received hundreds of requests for Jewish conversions.

From all of them, only a couple have come back for a second conversation, and to date, none have completed the process.

You see, gentiles have a purpose (make the world a good place) and Jews have a purpose (make the world a holy place). And gentiles don’t need to become Jewish to fulfill their purpose.

Almost a year ago, we met a couple who was interested in converting. I gave them the regular shpiel. Like some of the candidates, they started attending classes and became more involved.

A couple days ago, they came to pick up High Holiday care packages and deliver them to the Jews of Hemet.

That’s when they told me that they just sold their house and are moving to LA.

“We really want to convert, and know that we can only do it properly if we live in a strong Jewish community”.

I was shocked.

A family just sold their beautiful home which they own, just to rent a small apartment in LA, just to become Jewish?

They must be really serious.

I told them how much this reminded me of the story of Ruth. Just like her, they are willing to leave “the palace behind” in order to become part of the Jewish nation.

The hair on my arms was standing.

Then, the wife broke down in tears and confided, “I am so jealous of these Jewish people here. They are part of the chosen nation but don’t appreciate who they are! I would give anything to be part of this nation!”

By this time, I was tearing up too.

It’s time we wake up, learn who we really are, act like who we really are and be a true light unto the nations.

Yonasan Abrams


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