Pesach Letter

To the Jews of Temecula & beyond,

Passover is the time of freedom & this past year has highlighted what freedom is, and what it isn’t.

Freedom is not the same for all. A plant with water, earth and sunlight is free, even though it can’t move. An animal, on the other hand, is only free if it can move. Even with all its nutritional needs met, without the ability to move, it’s not free. A person, even with nutrition, and even with freedom of movement, is not free without the ability to think. Like the Chossid, who, during the holocaust in a labor camp, was promoted from field labor to a desk job, but requested to be put back in the field. When asked why, he responded, “As long as I’m in the field, my body is a slave, but my mind is free. Once you put me at a desk, I’ve lost my freedom of thought!”

The amazing thing about people, is that for us, freedom is a moving target. Even an achieved scholar who’s understanding is stagnant, has lost their freedom.

This past year, we’ve all experienced at least some limitations on our freedom of movement. Passover reminds us that we have the power to be free at any moment. If only we are deepening our understanding of the world, our purpose in it & our Creator, we can transcend whatever external limitations are levied upon us and be truly free.

Wishing you and yours a happy & kosher Pesach,


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