Do You Know Anyone That Just Fools Themself About Who They Are?


What a week.  Natanya and I took advantage of an opportunity to stay in an empty house in LA so four of our children can attend camp!  The bonus is that we get to spend some focused time on Chabad programming for the upcoming year, so I hope to share that with you soon. 

Did you ever meet someone who was completely fooling them self about who they are and what life is about?  What about someone who is a good person, but has this blind spot about them, that makes them really annoying to be around?  I definitely do. 

As a matter of fact, pretty much everyone I know is like that in one way or another.  The more blind someone is about themself, the less I want to be around them. 

The thing is, that the more I realize other people's blind spots, the more I wonder about my own.  Do I have one?  Well, I don't see it, but then again, no one does! 

So I asked Natanya.  "Do I have a blind spot?"  I don't remember her telling me anything. 

Finally, a couple weeks ago, I think I figured it out.  So I asked her, "Is this my blind spot?"  Of course, she said, "Yes it is!  I've told this to you 100 times!" 

Wow. We really are blind to our blind spots!  At least I was.  Maybe you are not though ;) 

I can't tell you how liberating it is to see your own blind spot.  It's called self-awareness.  And it takes work and help from people that care to actually fix those blind spots.


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