Thoughts on AI (ChatGPT)
A few years ago in conversation, a smart and educated person critiqued all the talk about the latest advancements and their relationship to Moshiach. He claimed that in the past 300 years since the industrial revolution, the world hasn't made any really "game changing" inventions. We've perfected the machines and become more efficient, but even the internet pales in comparison to things like machines, running water, real medicine etc. The answer to that may be unfolding as we speak. The two most promising inventions that could be transformative like the inventions of old are in beta as we speak. A couple months ago I wrote to you about how the "cold fusion" breakthrough could be the start of the "energy revolution". AI may be the next stage in the “information revolution” (the beginning was perhaps the internet). They've released Chat GPT, which is just a tiny taste of artificial intelligence capabilities. This AI bot can pass medical exams, ...