
Showing posts from July, 2020

Poem about Torah

Here is a story that happened to me, While I was still swimming in my mother’s tummy. An angel, a malach, came over to me, And taught me the Torah from Aleph to Z. But then he tapped me so hard on my nose, And I felt it all leave from my head through my toes. I forgot all the Torah that he had taught to me, And just then I popped out of mommy’s tummy. For years, it bothered me.   Why did all that Torah flee? Then one day while walking I saw an old man. Can I ask you a question, and he said, yes you can. So I asked the old man who seemed so soft and kind, Why did the Torah disappear from my mind? And if all that Torah I had to forget, Why did they teach me from the onset? The old man looked down at me with a smile, To explain this one, he said, will take quite a while. Because of your parents love and care. Most things that they have they will certainly share, But some things they won’t, like a diamond or a gem, They won’t let anyone get close to them. Our father, Hashem, is th...