Lesson From Released Hostages Joy

The Rebbe gave us a few daily study cycles. I live off them and really encourage you to start them. Yesterday and today we’ve been learning about hostages in our Tanya cycle, and I wanted to share something I learned. It made me think about the hostages that have been released and it’s a powerful message, that we too can experience that pain of being a hostage and the joy of being released. We just have to become more sensitive to how our lives are being lived. Here is what the Alter Rebbe says: “This will be your lifelong work, to serve G-d with great joy of your soul being liberated from your lowly body, and being returned “to her Father’s house”. This happens when you learn Torah and do mitzvos… There is no greater joy than being released from captivity and bondage, just like a prince who has taken hostage, and was grinding the millstone covered in garbage, and then finally is released back home to his father’s palace.” Basically, he i...